The Lakes Region TEA Party’s February meeting will be held on Wednesday, February 15, 2017 at the Moultonborough Library at 7 PM. Our speakers will be Representative Glenn Cordelli, and Jim Thompson.

Representative Glenn Cordelli (Tuftonboro) will provide an update on the legislature’s activities including key issues and possible items needing our support.

Jim Thompson will provide with an update about the Refugee Resettlement Program and about Laconia’s Martin Luther King Day celebration at it relates to refugees and immigrants.

Jim’s presentation will be followed by a group discussion of President Trump’s first 35 days, starting with his progress on his “Contract with the American Voter” (see: Bring your thoughts and plan to participate in our discussion.

The Lakes Region TEA Party meeting will be held at 7 PM at the Moultonborough Library, 4 Holland Street, Moultonborough, NH. The public is invited to attend to listen, learn, and respectfully participate in our discussions.

In case of inclement weather, check the latest news section of our website ( to see if there is a cancellation notice.

Note: At a previous meeting I promised to provide a link to the documentary “Clinton Cash”. Here it is:

Note: People interested in the man-made global warming argument, may find the following 5 minute video interesting ( and the following article claiming that NOAA faked their report to prove that the current 15-17 year pause in global warming didn’t exist (

I hope to see you on the 15th!

Don Ewing