The Lakes Region TEA Party will meet at 7 PM at the Moultonborough Library on Wednesday, March 21, 2018.

New Hampshire State Representative Norman Silber will be our main speaker. He will be discussing recent actions in our state legislature, why we are losing on some key issues, and what you/we can do about it. His topic is titled, “Why we are losing to the Left in Concord”.

The TEA Party exists to try to get the right things to happen in our governments, so Representative Silber’s talk is particularly relevant to our mission.

Representative Silber spoke to our group twice last year. His talks are important, informative, and entertaining.

The Lakes Region TEA Party will meet at 7 PM at the Moultonborough Library, Holland Street, Moultonborough, NH; parking and entry are at the rear. The public is invited to listen and participate in the Q&A sessions.