The September Lakes Region TEA Party meeting will be Wednesday, September 19, 2018 at 7 PM at the Moultonborough Library.
Our main speaker, Ed Naile, will discuss voter fraud; his talks are interesting, often shocking, and filled with evidence. Ed has been studying our voter laws and voter fraud for twenty years. Ed will discuss our voter laws, how they were and how they are, the problems enforcing them, how they have been used to enable out of state residents to vote in New Hampshire, and the potential impact on our elections. He will discuss his efforts to ensure the integrity of our elections and to identify voter-law-breakers.
You may have seen the Project Veritas videos of out of state election workers voting in New Hampshire. You may have heard of people coming to New Hampshire from out of state to vote here, or that out of state college students often vote here.
Yet the media, many politicians, and others say there isn’t any voter fraud in New Hampshire. What’s the truth? Ed will present his information and take audience questions.
The Lakes Region TEA Party meeting begins at 7 PM at the Moultonborough Library, 4 Holland Street, Moultonborough. The public is invited to listen and participate respectfully in the Q&A sessions.