The Lakes Region TEA Party’s April meeting will be held on Wednesday, April 19, 2017, at the Moultonborough Library at 7 PM. Our speakers will be Representatives Glenn Cordelli and Marc Abear.
Representative Glenn Cordelli (Tuftonboro) will provide an update on the legislature’s activities including the budget and focusing on a key item, SB193, which establishes Education Savings Accounts which will provide state funds to parents to purchase the best educational services for their children.
Have you wondered how New Hampshire, without the income and sales taxes that most states have, raises the money it needs? Representative Marc Abear (Gilford & Meredith) will answer this and related questions. Marc will also discuss pressures for increased and/or new taxes, how New Hampshire taxes affect economic growth, and he will address audience questions.
The Lakes Region TEA Party meeting will be held at 7 PM at the Moultonborough Library, 4 Holland Street, Moultonborough, NH. The public is invited to attend to listen, learn, and respectfully participate in our discussions.