The Lakes Region TEA Party will meet Wednesday, January 22, 2020, at 7 PM at the Moultonborough Library.
We will begin with a Legislative Update by State Representative Glenn Cordelli. The New Hampshire Legislature 2020 session has begun by passing many bills to restrict the freedoms of New Hampshire Citizens, grow the size of government, and raise taxes; Representative Cordelli will provide details and recommend appropriate actions.
The TEA Party exists to promote the values and principles of the US Declaration of Independence and the Constitutions of the United States and the State of New Hampshire. These are the values that have made Americans free, safe, tolerant, and prosperous.
This month’s program will begin a discussion of some key TEA Party beliefs. Each topic will be introduced by a brief educational and entertaining video by Bill Whittle followed by open discussion.
We will begin by discussing small government and free enterprise. Depending on interest, discussion and time, other topics include Natural Law, Wealth Creation, Elitism, Immigration, Gun Rights, and American Exceptionalism. Some topics will mostly likely be delayed to one or more future meetings.
This year’s Lakes Region TEA Party meetings have been scheduled for 7 PM at the Moultonborough Library on February 19, March 18, April 15, May 20, June 17, July 15, August 19, September 16, October 21, November 18, and December 16, 2020. Please mark your calendars.
The safety of our members is top priority so our winter meetings will be cancelled in case of dangerous weather. The main programs at our winter meetings will be based on videos which can be easily postponed in case of cancellation or loaned to people who believe the roads are too treacherous to attend our meeting.
The Lakes Region TEA Party meeting begins at 7 PM at the Moultonborough Library, 4 Holland Street, Moultonborough, NH. The public is invited to listen and participate respectfully in the Q&A sessions.