Stop the Gas Tax!

The House will be voting on HB357 this week. The Department of Transportation has been pulled out of the budget for special treatment due to its “unique and serious” problems. HB 357, which deals with an increasing the time to notify DMV of a change of...

ACT for America

The U.S. Senate is about to vote on a critical piece of national security legislation, and we need you to call your Senators and let them know where you stand! Prime Minister Netanyahu sounded the alarm before Congress earlier this month — the “deal” the...

FCC Takeover Call to Action

You will need to visit this LRTP page to contact your federal representatives and senators by email or phone. Government This message came to us from the “Center for Individual Freedom”. We are posting it here because the FCC issue should be of major...

How liberal discipline policies are making schools less safe

A local teacher we know told us this shocking fact: She was required to attend training at some UN-sponsored ‘peace’ program. According to her training, instead of punishment for children who engaged in typical grade school violence such as hitting and...

Granite State Future

Guess what? I just discovered a website that tells the real truth about the Granite State Future! It’s really cool and it has amazing videos on it and everything you’d ever want to know about the New Hampshire version of the massive HUD Sustainable...

Democrats HATE Voter ID Laws

The progressive left is obsessively opposed to voter ID laws. One outfit called the Advancement Project leads the way in trying to block implementation of voter ID laws. It was founded by civil rights attorneys in 1999. It is a “legal action group committed to...

Agenda 21 – A Sinister and Nefarious Takeover

Have you heard of Agenda 21? If not, what you learn will scare the pants off of you. Agenda 21 was dreamt up by Gro Harlem Brundtland, VP of the World Socialist Party, for the United Nations. George Bush, the first, signed off on it in 1992. President Clinton bypassed...